Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fun with Webs

So in our last IT 486 class we started working on using computer generated webbing software to create graphic organizers for our lessons. As soon as I found out the assignment I was pretty excited because for the longest time I've been trying to figure out the best way to explain titling poetic rhythm and meter. Kids never understand the differences between iambic, anapestic, dactylic, and so forth, I know this because I never was able to remember the differences. Also there are the overwhelming terms like hectameter and octameter when dealing with the meter portion of the equation. So that's what my web is going to be all about as well as having examples of the various poetic forms. I'll post a little picture of the completed project once I get it done.

That's all we did, the rest of the class was spent doing housekeeping regaurding our curriculum connections. That's right, ladys and gents, my buddy John and I are back together again attempting to create a lesson plan that bridges French and English curriculums. Admitedly, we did come up with our assignment fairly quickly since we just took one aspect of our previous lesson plan for this lesson plan. Still, a daunting task was presented to us once again. We haven't finished it, but it's looking pretty good.

Next class is going to be pretty relaxing... I hope.

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